What is IOT? In simple terms the internet of things (IOT) is the interconnectivity of multiple devices with the capability of sharing and collecting data over the internet. In traditional systems data is shared over a network and with the introduction of IOT data is transmitted over the internet. This capability allows remote monitoring, control and reporting of process information in real time as devices transmit information over the internet at the moment the data is obtained, this information is available in real time from remote locations. Contact us today to implement IOT technology into your operations.
Remote Process Monitor
The ability to operate in Real-Time have become critical for every organization. Companies have to rethink how they monitor their infrastructure, manufacturing and their performance. Now is possible to connect and monitor all your devices in an easy way.
How it works?
PLC obtains data from field device (image from Jaime)
Data is read by IOT device and transmitted to cloud server (imagenes de Jaime)
Mobile device and open KPI screen (image and video from Jaime)
Feature device offer the following advantages:

- Multiple PLC brands connectivity.
- More than 300 different drivers through serial and ethernet.
- Secure VPN for remote access from any location through internet.
- Local/Remote monitoring of your entire processes, events and/or alarms.
- Receive notifications to your mobile device whenever an alarm or event is triggered.
In addition, HMI capability provides graphical control over processes locally thru a PC or Laptop or remote thru a mobile device, with up 5 simultaneous connection, within your network.
Solutions Samples
Food Beverage Real Time system
- HTML system accessible from anywhere over the internet with any device (computer, tablet, cellular)
- Operator enters operations data
- Real Time Reports
Supermarket Real Time operations

- Real time “Stock Management Dashboard”
- Field personnel enter stock item status on floor
- Real time “Performance Metrics”
- Operator enters production information on table device
- Reports provide employee productivity, product yield, etc.
- Link box for the video. Video must be edited to include English subtitles